Today is Saturday and the 18 th of Esfand 1403, we are at end days of the Year. Today I took part at the Commercial Card Qualifying Exam at Tehran’s Chamber of Commerce Building at Qaem Magham Street,
Many Candidates were come there to took part at entrance Examination, as I should passed 16-hour training before exam, I just read the note books from Dr Rasool Karimi about international Commercial Terms [1], Insurance and Tax.
We passed a computer Delivery based Exam, there was 20 question and I gave the correct answer for 5 questions in other words 5 out of 10 question and the next 10 question will be answered by the Man who instructed us in the exam Room.
In total, I answered 15 out of 20 questions and got an acceptance mark at the exam and qualified for acquiring business card.
Then I came back to home and paid the membership and entrance fee of Tehran’s chamber of Commerce.
As I was awake last night because of Exam, then i slept about 2 hour and then went to the Taekwondo Club.
As children goes there, at 18:45 to 20:00, first, I took them by Motorcycle and then came backed and keeping on breaking the fast after that I went to the kanoon.
Today was special and one of my clubmate Mr Ramin who awarded by Master Mohebbi to Dan 2.
At the end of session, he hospitalized other clubmates with a French Roullet pastry.
[1] Incoterms